"yrFashion" Dress Reviews *picture heavy*

So very recently, I ordered from this ebay shop named yrFashion and they have quickly become one of my favorite online stores to buy from! Also, with it being located in NJ, USA, I get my packages pretty fast since I am located in NY~
Though I have bought many items from here, this post will only focus on 
the dresses I have bought from them:



Short update!

Waah I'm so sorry everyone!
I haven't been updating often at all, and I have many things that need to be done!
Recently, my godmother has passed away and my world has been literally turned upside down..
By loosing her, I want to gain more responsibility and make sure I keep up with everything I have to take care of. She loved photography and traveling, so I hope to follow in her footsteps~

Hopefully by the end of this month, I should have many reviews starting to go up.
Since they will be online purchases from the past few months, I'll be grouping them by the seller I got them from. The rest of the details for each of the items will be included in the posts!
I hope you will all bear with me.. 
Things are so difficult right now, but I have promised to be better.
Stay healthy everyone~